If promises
are difficult, there is an ES8 syntax that makes it much easier to use.
The keywords async
and await
are syntax that make Promise and then very easy, respectively.
Let’s find out together.
If you use the async
keyword, a Promise object is created as a clause.
It’s literally like that. You don’t need to do new Promise()
However, this keyword can only be placed before function declarations.
async function Arithmetic() {
1 + 1;
Then this function itself becomes a Promise
So, you can append then to when executing this function. Because it’s a promise.
However, unlike promises
, only success is possible.
(Executing the function leaves a Promise
instance (the object
created with new Promise()
) in its place.)
async function plus() {
1 + 1;
plus().then(function () {
console.log("sucess plus");
So now we can add then to execute something after the plus()
function succeeds, just like we did when we created the Promise.
If you want to use the result of an operation in a function in then
async function plus() {
return 1 + 1;
plus().then(function (result) {
You can do this.
Just write the result to the right of return. Then it is passed to the then function.
If you don’t like the then()
function, you can use the await
You can use await
inside a function using the async
Think of await
as just a promise.then()
However, the syntax is much simpler than then.
Let’s create a new example.
I want to create a Promise
that determines success/failure after executing difficult operations in a function.
async function plus() {
var Arithmetic = new Promise((sucess, fail) => {
var result = 1 + 1;
You can do this as you have done many times.
(Or if you don’t want to make a Promise
, you can use async after making Arithmetic
a function)
Then Arithmetic.then()
can run specific code on success like this.
But if you don’t want to see .then()
because it’s too complicated
You can use the keyword await
async function plus() {
var Arithmetic = new Promise((sucess, fail) => {
var result = 1 + 1;
var result = await Arithmetic;
Syntax very similar to Arithmetic.then().
The exact meaning is Wait for Arithmetic Promise
, then put the result in a variable when completed
no see.
If you want to print the result of an operation or something like that
You said you could put a parameter in the success function, right?
async function plus() {
var Arithmetic = new Promise((sucess, fail) => {
var result = 1 + 1;
var result = await Arithmetic;
The parameter 2
in the sucess()
function is
Stored in a variable called var result.
Then you can print the result of the Promise’s operation.
(Caution) If you include code that is processed asynchronously, the browser may freeze for a moment while waiting for await.
If await
fails, an error is thrown and the code stops
Let’s run the code below where the Promise
async function plus() {
var Arithmetic = new Promise((sucess, fail) => {
var result = await Arithmetic;
When an Arithmetic Promise
The code called await Arithmetic
throws an error and stops executing the code.
Then the code at the bottom of await won’t be executed anymore.
So if the promise fails
If you don’t want to stop the execution of your code, you need a slightly special method.
async function plus(){
var Arithmetic = new Promise((sucess, fail)=>{
try { var result = await Arithmetic }
catch { Code to run if an Arithmetic Promise fails }
It is a JavaScript syntax called try catch
If the code inside try {}
throws an error and stops
Instead, the code inside the catch {}
is executed.
Example: Creating a Promise that succeeds when a <button>
is pressed
Q. Create a button within an HTML page
I want to create a Promise that succeeds when I click on it.
If successful, it prints ‘success’ to the console window.
How can I code it?
(If you need async, await, let’s use it)
<button id="test">button</button>
let currentBtn = document.querySelector("#test");
let clickEvent = new Promise((sucess, fail) => {
currentBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
const onClickBtn = async () => {
let result = await clickEvent;
Once the above button is pressed, a Promise is created that determines success.
But now I tried to write a code that does
if it succeeds, but I don’t want to use then
await clickEvent;
I wrote this.
- But if you want to use
, you can only use it inside anasync functinon
, right?
So await clickEvent;
I just wrapped the code in an async
Or maybe it was structured like this.
<button id="test">button</button>
async function clickEvent(){
document.getElementById('test').addEventListener('click', function(){
return 'Sucess'
async function onClickBtn(){
var result = await clickEvent();
▲But the above code doesn’t work well.
I wrote an async function clickEvent()
and put the event listener inside
I expected that pressing the button would result in a success judgment by return something, but it didn’t work.
In fact, return 'Sucess'
is not a return of an async
function, but a return statement of a function in an event listener
, so there is a problem.
More important than that is this.
1. Code in event listeners is not executed immediately. Executes when button is pressed.
2. So when the computer reads the code all the way, the inside of the async function clickEvent() function is equivalent to blank.
3. JavaScript executes by automatically filling in return undefined if there is a blank inside the function.
(Then, by number 3, async function clickEvent()
is automatically judged as success()
in 0 seconds)
so at the bottom
var result = await clickEvent();
This code is executed with clickEvent()
determined to be successful in 0 seconds (because return undefined is automatically filled in the function)
Same meaning as var result = undefined
That’s why the code got weird.
However, if you make it a Promise and specify success ()
and failure ()
cases directly
await waits nicely.