Constructor, Prototype 4 exercises

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Category : javascript


0. I want to create multiple object data.

Hardcoding is what I do best, so I hardcoded it.

var student1 = { name: "Kim", age: 20 };
var student2 = { name: "Park", age: 21 };
var student3 = { name: "Lee", age: 22 };

I made three by hardcoding, but I’m thinking of making a constructor because I think there will be more things to make in the future.

Use the constructor syntax to draw 3 objects identical to the ones above.

  • Here Add a sayHi() function inside the constructor so that when you use student1.sayHi(), “Hello I am Kim” is displayed in the console window.

0. Answer

function Student(n, a) { = n;
  this.age = a;
  this.sayHi = function () {
    console.log("Hello I am " +;

var student1 = new Student("Kim", 20);
var student2 = new Student("Park", 21);
var student3 = new Student("Lee", 22);

You can do this. No big deal.

Adding the sayHi function to prototype seems to be no problem at all.

1. What will be the output of the following code?

function Parent() { = "Kim";
var a = new Parent();

a.**proto**.name = "Park";

1. Answer

It is 'Kim'.

By the first 4 lines, a = { name : 'Kim' } = 'Park'; means add { name : 'Park' } to the parent prototype.

So now when I use

First of all, I print { name : 'Kim' } that I have.

2. function doesn’t work

In question 0 above, you said to add a function called sayHi to the parent named Student, right?

So, I added a function to prototype that outputs my name as "Hello I am ~~" when using sayHi().

I made it like the bottom, but the name is not output as intended.

What could be the cause?

function Student(n, a) { = n;
  this.age = a;

Student.prototype.sayHi = () => {
  console.log("Hello I am " +;
var student1 = new Student("Kim", 20);

student1.sayHi(); //Why this code's output is not intended?

2. Answer

I used the arrow function when adding a function called sayHi() to prototype.

To conclude, arrow function is not just a regular function replacement.

I said that arrow function is a function used when you want to use this outside this as it is.

By the way, when creating the sayHi() function, use the arrow function

The value ‘this’ inside was strange.

Student.prototype.sayHi = () => {

If you just print ‘this’ to the sayHi' function, it will output something like window’. (undefined in strict mode)

According to the previous lecture, if you use the arrow function, you just get a value from anywhere outside and use it.

Outer this value is window,

This is because the window was applied to the inside of the function as it is.

So, it was a problem because this was strange.

Let’s review this for a second

Within a function, the meaning of the this keyword is redefined each time.

I said that this in the function contained in object becomes the object that called the function.

However, in the case of arrow function, the meaning of this is not redefined inside the function and this outside is used.

var obj = {
  sayHi: () => {

▲ So this in the above code is

It’s not an object, but a window.

The example in the question is similar to this one.

3. How can I create my own new function that can be applied to any array?

can be attached to any array,

I want to create a useful function that removes the value of 3 in array.

var arr = [1, 2, 3];

console.log(arr); //[1,2]

Just appending it to the end of array like this deletes all numeric data such as 3 in array.

Let’s call it remove3(), nicely.

How and where to create a remove3() function so that it can be used on all arrays?

3. Answer

Do you remember why we can attach functions like pop(), sort(), push() to every array?

All array datatypes are created by new Array() from their parent Array

This is because functions in the parent prototype of Array can be freely used.

Then, shouldn’t we add a function called remove3 to prototype of Array?

you’re right.

Array.prototype.remove3 = function () {
  // plz find 3 and remove on this

You could write a code like this.

The keyword this in the code above means the object (array in this case) that currently triggers the function remove3.

So how do I write code to remove ‘3’ from ‘array’ called ‘this’?

If there are 100 ways to use one of them…

I wrote a loop to print out the data in the this array one by one and compare it with 3.

Array.prototype.remove3 = function () {
  for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
    if (this[i] === 3) {
      this.splice(i, 1);

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];

console.log(arr); //[1,2,4]

It’s not just difficult, the remove3() function

  1. It runs a loop as long as the length of the array called this. In the process of running it, write this[i] and print out all the data in this.

  2. if this[i] is 3

  3. Remove the ith element from the array named this

wrote. (The splice function is sometimes used to remove something from an array.)

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