Javascript Destructuring syntax

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Category : javascript


The destructuring syntax makes it easy to create variables by extracting multiple data from Array and Object data types.

How to put data in an array into a variable

I have an array of [2,3,4],

What if I want to take out all three data inside here and put them in a variable?

var array = [2, 3, 4];
var a = array[0];
var b = array[1];

what could be like this.

But there is an easier way to do it.

var [a, b, c] = [2, 3, 4];

You can declare a variable in a shape similar to the data [2,3,4].

Then three variables a,b,c are created, each with data 2,3,4.

A default value can also be given.

Naturally, if the left and right numbers are different, the variable is not created properly.

var [a, b, c] = [2, 3];

Variables that take no value can be made to have default values.

var [a, b, c = 5] = [2, 3];

Then c assigns a default value of 5 if no value is entered.

How to put data in object into variable

If you align the left and right of the object the same, a variable is created.

var { name: a, age: b } = { name: "Kim", age: 28 };

When matching the variable name with the key name in the object, you can just use it like this.

var { name, age } = { name: "Kim", age: 28 };

name: You can omit the name with one name like this.

  • The same as array, the default value can also be applied with an equal sign.

This time, if you want to put a variable into an object

var name = "Kim";
var age = 28;

var obj = { name: name, age: age };

If you want to put a variable into the object data type, you can use it like this, right?

However, with the destructuring syntax, this is also possible.

var name = "Kim";
var age = 28;

var obj = { name, age };

name : name If the key value and the value value are the same like this

name You can omit one like this.

The same can be applied when creating function parameter variables.

There is one function, this function can take two parameters.

What if you want to input Kim and age data in the object here?

function fn(name, age) {

var obj = { name: "Kim", age: 28 };
fn(, obj.age);

Maybe and put this in directly?

Or you can use destructuring syntax.

function fn({ name, age }) {

var obj = { name: "Kim", age: 28 };

Because of parameterization is the same behavior as creating a variable.

You can apply the same syntax for creating variables.

when entering parameters

{name, age} = { name : 'Kim', age : 20 }

It’s the same as what I did.


var [number, address] = [30, "seoul"];
var { address: a, number = 20 } = { address, number };

What values do the variables a, address, and number each have?

Let’s change the second line a bit to make it easier to see.

var { address: a, number = 20 } = { address: "seoul", number: 30 };

So a is 'seoul'

number is 30

The address is modified in the first line and ends, so it is 'seoul'.


let info = {
  body: {
    height: 180,
    weight: 70,
  size: ["Large", "30in"],

Here, I would like to create four variables by extracting Height, Weight, Top Size, and Bottom Size information respectively.

How can i make it?

let info = {
  body: {
    height: 180,
    weight: 70,
  size: ["Large", "30in"],

let {
  body: { height, weight },
  size: [top, bottom],
} = info;

If you look closely, I used an equal sign to align the left and right sides the same.

And on the left, I wrote the variable name.

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Hi, my name is George. This is where I record what I have studied :D

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