Object-Oriented 2

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Category : javascript


What we learned last time is called inheritance in fancy object-oriented terminology.

It inherits the name, age properties of the constructor called machine and pulls out an object.

Well, it’s called inheritance because it’s similar to inheritance that inherits property.

(So what inherits is referred to as parent, and inherited objects are referred to as children.)

However, there is one more device in JavaScript that can implement inheritance other than constructor.

It’s called prototype, let’s find out.

When you build a machine, an item called prototype is secretly created inside the machine.

▲ If you want to check if the above fact is true, you can print it out.

Every machine you build secretly creates something called a prototype inside.

function machine() {
  this.name = "Kim";
  this.age = 15;
var student1 = new machine();
var student2 = new machine();


Then I don’t know what it is, but something is output?

Why does the secret space called prototype that I suddenly found out exists and where is it used…

You can see this as a kind of secret space that acts as a parental gene.

You can think of a prototype as a gene that children can inherit.

machine.prototype is the gene of machine.

If machine**.prototype** contains some variable or function

All new objects (children) created from the machine can inherit it and use it.

For example:

Last time, let’s add a line like prototype to the example code.

function machine() {
  this.name = "Kim";
  this.age = 15;

machine.prototype.gender = "boy";
var student1 = new machine();
var student2 = new machine();

console.log(student1.gender); //will print 'boy'

I stored a key/value pair named { gender : 'boy' } in a place called prototype on the machine.

(You can use prototype as if you were dealing with an object data type.)

It is the addition of gender: 'boy' data to the machine’s prototype, that is, its genes.

Now all children created from machines such as student1 and student2 can use the gender attribute.

So the conclusion is that you can create the same inheritance function by using the secret space called prototype.


  • You can assign multiple values to prototype and even include a function. Just treat it like object data.
  • Data added to prototype are not directly owned by children, but only by parents.

How it Works?

JavaScript has a check order when extracting data from an object.

function machine() {
  this.name = "Kim";
  this.age = 15;
machine.prototype.gender = "boy";
var student1 = new machine();


▲ If you use student1.gender, 'boy' is output, right? The reason is that..

When JavaScript outputs a value from an object, it asks in this order.

(1) Is there a value called gender directly in student1?

(2) Then, is there a value of gender in the parent gene?

(3) Then, is there a value of gender in the parents’ genes?

(4) Then in the parent’s parent’s parent’s gene .. Is there that?

JavaScript works with this algorithm.

Simply put, when extracting a value from an object

  1. Check if I have it myself

  2. If I don’t have it, the parent genes are tested in turn.

You just have to remember that.

So, the object named student1 does not have the value gender, but

That’s why you can print the ‘gender’ in the parent’s gene (‘machine.prototype’).

How it works 2: Why you can use the built-in JavaScript function toString()

JavaScript array, object has many built-in functions that can be attached.

sort, push, toString, map, forEach, etc. can be used by attaching them to array. Have you ever wondered why?

var arr = [1, 2, 3];
console.log(arr.toString()); // posiblle

The reason why I can append arr.toString() to my array like this is

Because the parent gene of the array I created has toString(). (or parents’ parents)

  • The array I created is not drawn from the parent machine. What are you talking about?

Actually, when you create an array or object data type, there is a parent.

var arr = [1, 2, 3];
var arr = new Array(1, 2, 3);

▲ The above two lines of code have exactly the same meaning.

The top is how humans make arrays, and the bottom is how computers make arrays.

People are cumbersome, so they just use square brackets with [] to make it Internally, it always uses the new keyword like that to create array/object.

Then new Array() What does this mean?

Doesn’t it mean “Pick a new child from the machine called Array?”

you’re right.

Therefore, children created from Array can freely use the functions and data given to the gene of Array.

To check if the gene of the machine called Array is real, you can print it in the console.


What do you get when you do this? Your usual sort, map, push, forEach will appear.

So all the children of Array could easily use these functions.

Since the Object data type is created in the same way as new Object(), functions in the parents prototype` can be freely used.

This was the secret of built-in functions.

Q. So what’s the difference between inheriting with prototype and inheriting with constructor?

A. If you want children to own the value directly, you can inherit it with constructor.

If you only have a parent and want to refer to it and use it, can you inherit it with prototype?

Usually, a lot of things like functions that can be inherited are made as prototype.

About George

I'm George, a Web Developer.

Email : kghee9612@gmail.com

Website : https://ge5rg2.github.io

About George

Hi, my name is George. This is where I record what I have studied :D

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