Object-Oriented 4

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Category : javascript


There is a syntax called class.

This is a grammar that helps to create a cool inheritance function using constructor and prototype.

There is not much difference in terms of syntax and function from the existing function, and it is just slightly easier to see.

Let’s take a closer look at how to do it.

Create a constructor machine implemented with the ES6 class keyword

Everyone knows constructor because we did it last time, right?

It was an object picking machine.

If you want to create a constructor with the ES6 class method, you can follow this.

class parent {
  constructor() {
    this.name = "Kim";

var child = new parent();

That’s it. This is the same syntax as the old function parent (){} something... syntax for creating machines.

Now, using the new keyword, you can create a new object in the machine called the parent you just created.

In the part where you write constructor(), you can assign values to newly created objects by adding this.name as before.

That’s it.

How do I add inheritable functions?

There are two ways I learned from doing sayHi in the past.

  1. How to add a function inside constructor like this.sayHi

  2. Was there a way to add it to the machine’s prototype?

▼ You can do the same thing as number 1, right?

class parent {
  constructor() {
    this.name = "Kim";
    this.sayHi = function () {

var child = new parent();

Then the newly created child will have the sayHi() function directly and can use it freely.

▼ To add to prototype like number 2

class parent {
  constructor() {
    this.name = "Kim";
  sayHi() {

var child = new parent();

You can do it like this.

Just like adding a function to an object.

Then the child can use the sayHi() function in the parent’s prototype when sayHi() is written.

(Or you can just do parent.prototype.sayHi = function(){})

Note that Object.getPrototypeOf()

If you put an object in this function, it will output the parent prototype.

This function tells you who the object inherits prototype from.

You can see that it plays a similar role to the keyword __proto__.

Add parameters inside constructor

To add parameters when creating a constructor the ES6 way, you can do this:

class parnet {
  constructor(n, a) {
    this.name = n;
    this.age = a;

var child = new parnet("Park", 30);

In this way, you can create a constructor with parameters.

When creating a child, you can now enter two parameters.

Adding multiple functions in prototype

class parent {
  constructor(n, a) {
    this.name = n;
    this.age = a;
  sayHi() {
  sayHello() {

var child = new parent("Park");

If you write like this, you can put several functions such as sayHi and sayHello in prototype at the same time.

No big deal.

About George

I'm George, a Web Developer.

Email : kghee9612@gmail.com

Website : https://ge5rg2.github.io

About George

Hi, my name is George. This is where I record what I have studied :D

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