Object-Oriented 5

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Category : javascript


Let’s learn extends, the ultimate JavaScript object-oriented syntax.

It’s not difficult, just a few more things to memorize.

Use extends when you want to create a class that inherits class

Let’s say you made a grandpa class.

The grandfather class has attributes named first and last name.

class grandfather {
  constructor(name) {
    this.lastName = "Kim";
    this.firstName = name;

Then new grandfather**() Well, you can easily create a new object by doing something like this, right?

However, this class is so useful that I would like to create another class similar to it.

Then, you can create another class yourself and copy and paste the contents, right?

However, if there is too much to copy inside class, the code will be too long.

So ancient developers created a grammar called extends.

If you create a ‘class’ using this, you can copy and paste the contents of the existing ‘class’ as it is.

To put it simply, it is “a grammar that helps to inherit and create other classes.”

So let’s create a father class that inherits from the grandfather class. Follow me.

class grandfather {
  constructor(name) {
    this.lastName = "Kim";
    this.firstName = name;

class father extends grandfather {}

extends can be written like this:

Then, a class called father is created by copying and pasting the class called grandfather as it is.

If you want to check whether a real class has been created, you can test it like new father();.

**new** father**('minso');**If you do this, anobject data with lastName and firstName will be created.

You have the same class as your grandfather, right? End of extends syntax!

But if you want to add a new attribute to class called father

Of course, you can add content inside the father constructor.

class grandfather {
  constructor(name) {
    this.lastName = "Kim";
    this.firstName = name;

class father extends grandfather {
  constructor() {
    this.age = 50;

This way, objects created when new father() will have {lastName, firstName, age} properties.

But this gives me an error.

I get an error that I need to use super.

Then just write super.

class grandfather {
  constructor(name) {
    this.lastName = "Kim";
    this.firstName = name;

class father extends grandfather {
  constructor() {
    this.age = 50;

A strange function called super()

“means the constructor() of the parent class inheriting by extends. (memory items)

To put it simply, grandfather’s class constructor() is the same as this. (need to memorize)

So now you can add this. or something like this without errors. (Memorization)

But you could pass a name parameter to the constructor() of your grandfather class, right?

You have to specify it in the same way so that you can inherit all the properties of your grandfather exactly.

class grandfather {
  constructor(name) {
    this.lastName = "Kim";
    this.firstName = name;

class father extends grandfather {
  constructor(name) {
    this.age = 50;

Just as the grandfather constructor() had a name parameter, the father constructor() also followed it.

(Parameter naming is possible freely)

Now, if you enter a parameter when you do new father();, it will enter the this.name property.

So let’s predict.

Q. If you write var a = new father('minso'); at the bottom of the code above, what will the variable a contain?

  • Did you guess

    1. The variable named a is a newly created object from the class called the father.

    2. So, I inherited the lastName, firstName from my grandfather and the age from my father.

    3. Then, put 'minso' in place of this.firstName and run it. So { lastName : 'Kim', firstName : 'minso', age : 50 } becomes an object.

If you add a method (function) to grandpa

If I add a function inside the grandfather class, can the children of the father class inherit it?

Could you try an experiment?

class grandfatehr {
  constructor(name) {
    this.lastName = "Kim";
    this.firstName = name;
  sayHi() {
    console.log("Hello I'm grandpa");

class father extends grandfatehr {
  constructor(name) {
    this.age = 50;

var a = new father("minso");

Then, can the object named a use the function sayHi()?

  • You can write.

If an object named a uses a.sayHi() like this

  1. Ask if the object named a has sayHi

  2. If not, ask if father.prototype has sayHi

  3. If not, ask if sayHi exists in grandfather**.prototype

In this way, it looks up to run sayHi.

But sayHi() is a function added to grandfather.prototype

An object named a can execute sayHi() function.

But what if you want to inherit functions between classes?

What do you mean… I want to create a function in a class called father.

However, the sayHi() function in the grandfather class was very useful.

I want to bring this to my father ‘class’ as it is and use it.

What should I do?

You can also use super here.

class grandfather {
  constructor(name) {
    this.lastName = "Kim";
    this.firstName = name;
  sayHi() {
    console.log("Hello I'm grandpa");

class father extends grandfather {
  constructor(name) {
    this.age = 50;
  sayHi2() {
    console.log("Hello I'm father");

var a = new father("minso");

If you use super inside the prototype function like that, it has a slightly different meaning from super earlier.

super here means prototype of parent class.

okay? super has two meanings.

1. If used inside a constructor, the constructor of the parent class

2. If used inside a prototype function, the prototype of the parent class

no see. Oh, it’s hard to memorize, so let’s just know number 2 as a reference.

Q. So what will be printed to the console window when a.sayHi2() is executed in the example code above?

  • Let’s predict exactly once and spread it out If you use a.sayHi2(), the sayHi2 function in father.prototype will work.

    The function once executes console.log("Hello I'm father") and

    The second line executes super.sayHi(). In other words, it is the same as garandfather.prototype.sayHi() It will run console.log("Hello I'm grandpa").

    So "Hello I'm father", "Hello I'm grandpa" are printed in the console window.

About George

I'm George, a Web Developer.

Email : kghee9612@gmail.com

Website : https://ge5rg2.github.io

About George

Hi, my name is George. This is where I record what I have studied :D

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