I want to run a specific code on successful image loading.
I want to execute some code when the image inside the HTML finishes loading.
<img id="test" src="https://codingapple1.github.io/kona.jpg" />
I want to print success in the console window when this image is loaded, and failure in the console window if the load fails.
I want to make it using the then and catch functions of the Promise
syntax. How can I code it?
(Note) You can check that image loading is complete by attaching an event listener called load to .
(Note) You can check that image loading has failed by attaching an event listener called error to .
Q2. I want to run some code when the Ajax
request succeeds.
If you make a GET request
to the path https://codingapple1.github.io/hello.txt
, you will receive a greeting message.
If you make a GET request
here and it succeeds,
I want to display the greeting received through Ajax
to the console window using the then function of Promise.
How can I do it?
(Since the jQuery
done function itself has a Promise function, the code may be a bit redundant and useless, but let’s try it as an exercise.)
jQuery CDN
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script>
Q3. Promise chaining
After making a GET request
to the path https://codingapple1.github.io/hello.txt
in problem 2 I used .then to print the greeting to the console window.
This time, immediately after that, make another GET request
to the path https://codingapple1.github.io/hello2.txt
I want to print the greeting again using .then.
How can I update the code created in step 2?
Q1 Answer
To determine whether <img>
with id test has been loaded / failed to load
var img = document.querySelector('#test');
img.addEventListener('load', function(){
Code to be executed on successful loading
img.addEventListener('error', function(){
Code to run when loading fails
Then, let’s write the code to execute .then()
when loading is successful using Promise
and .catch()
when loading fails.
var imgLoading = new Promise(function (sucess, fail) {
var img = document.querySelector("#test");
img.addEventListener("load", function () {
img.addEventListener("error", function () {
.then(function () {
.catch(function () {
console.log("Fail :(");
In Promise
, you can create the number of cases where success()
and failure()
are executed.
That way, you can now use .then()
to execute specific code on success/failure.
Q2 Answer
var pro = new Promise(function (sucess, fail) {
$.get("https://codingapple1.github.io/hello.txt").done(function (result) {
pro.then(function (result) {
Q3 Answer
var pro = new Promise(function (sucess, fail) {
type: "GET",
url: "https://codingapple1.github.io/hello.txt",
}).done(function (result) {
.then(function (result) {
var pro2 = new Promise(function (sucess, fail) {
$.get("https://codingapple1.github.io/hello2.txt").done(function (
) {
return pro2;
.then(function (result) {
So, Promise 2 is created in the first then, and Promise 2 makes the second ajax request and determines success.
And I created a function that returns Promise 2.
Then, you can run the code consecutively by adding then to the end. The flow is like this.
- If the first promise succeeds, the code in
is executed. - But there is Promise 2 inside. If Promise 2 succeeds
- Execute the code inside
at the back. So this way you can step through your code using promises.