Project Wuri.

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Category : project

Side project “Wuri”

Name called by “우리들의 다이어리, Wuri”

Wuri is a side project app that allows users to keep a diary of their day, date with their lover, and parenting activities. It will feature OAuth login with Firebase, diary sharing with a lover, and diary creation and commenting. The technology stack includes React, Styled-Components, Firebase, and NotionDB. The project includes a welcome page, main page, diary page, new post page, sign out page, account page, and couple diary page. An ERD diagram is also available.

Background 🌐

Action point

  1. An app that keeps a diary of the day.
  2. Keep a diary of your date with your lover.
  3. Parenting, keeping a diary of animals.

Project goal 💡

  1. Implementation of oauth function and login using firebase
  2. When setting up a lover, you can share your diary if the lover information you entered matches each other.
  3. Create or comments (including modification)

Technology stack 👨‍🔧

Client - React, styled-component

Server - firebase

DB - firebase

Deploy - firebase, gh-pages

Schedule 📆

Project Wuri

Page component 📃

Welcome page → show auth method / Sign in, Sign up

Main page → Show up diary(preview) / New post / Nav var

  1. Show up diary(preview): when user click each preview diary, then move to that diary page that can edit, comment(only couple diary)
  2. New post: when user click this new post button, move to new-post page that can write new diary.
  3. Nav var → Sign out, Account, Couple diary
    1. Sign out: sign out and move to Welcome page
    2. Account: move to account page that show user Info, delete account
    3. Couple diary: ….

Couple diary: If the user who doesn’t registered couple diary, show pop up dialog that register couple info. else move to couple diary page

ERD diagram

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About George

I'm George, a Web Developer.

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About George

Hi, my name is George. This is where I record what I have studied :D

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